Add/remove Markdown's block quote signs

Is there a extension which adds/removes "> ", i.e. Markdown’s block quote sign to the beginning of each selected line? Would be a great help!

# popclip
name: Add / Remove block quote.
icon: circle filled A>R
  - title: Add Block Quote
    icon: circle filled A>
    javascript: |
      const text = popclip.input.text;
      popclip.pasteText('> ' + text.split(/\n/).join('\n> '))
  - title: Remove Block Quote
    icon: circle filled R>
    javascript: |
      const text = popclip.input.text;
      popclip.pasteText(text.replace(/^>\s+/gm, ''))

This one is great too! So great that we can import extension snippets so easily and transparently!

I have done some decorative changes which I might share. Maybe somebody likes them:

# popclip
name: Md Line breaks
icon: circle filled A/R
  - title: Add Md Breaks
    icon: circle filled A.
    javascript: |
      const text = popclip.input.text;
      popclip.pasteText(text.split(/\n/).join('  \n') + '  ')
  - title: Remove Md Breaks
    icon: circle filled R.
    javascript: |
      const text = popclip.input.text;
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