Did you by any chance use an "app cleaner’ or “uninstaller” tool to delete the MAS version? Or perhaps use an app like Hazel that cleans up after an app is removed? That could have deleted the extensions.
Anyway, lets see if they are still there. Look in the folder ~/Library/Application Support/PopClip/Extensions (PopClip can open that with the Reveal in Finder action, naturally). If they are still on the Mac, you will have a .popclipext in there for each extension you ever installed. Double-click those to install them.
I didn’t use an app cleaner to remove the MAS version, I just removed it from Launchpad.
I checked the location you mentioned and there’s nothing there unfortunately. It’s not a problem for me to re-install the extensions, but just thought it was strange that the extensions worked fine after the initial migration to the standalone app, it was just after the update this morning that they disappeared.
My apologies. I have just checked back and it seems that I did actually run a Smart Scan in CleanMyMac X after installing the standalone version of PopClip. So that may well have had something to do with it.
Interesting … yes, CleanMyMac could indeed have removed the preferences and Application Support folder if the scan was run during the time the app was not present on the system. But if the PopClip was still present I would not expect it to remove anything. Perhaps CleanMyMac got confused by something. Anyway, thanks for updating me on that as the possible cause – it’s very useful for me to understand the cause of issues.
Yeah, I thought it was strange too, but still thought I should let you know.
Another thing I have just noticed is that some extensions are now showing as text and not icons. I saw another thread where the OP reinstalled the extensions and that cured the issue. Will give that a try myself.