Can't update to latest version

Have twice downloaded the 2024.5.2 update and when I try to install I get “The operation can’t be completed because some items had to be skipped”.
What’s up with that? (Have been successfully using the 2023 version for a long time.)
macOS 15.1.1

Is this while using the in-app update or are you downloading from the website?

I’m trying to use the in-app update, which is supposed to be triggered by unchecking and rechecking the “check for updates” box. Tried it several times with no luck.

Don’t see why it would be an issue, but I am using Bartender 5 to manage the menu bar.

The update dialog actually appears at the back behind all other windows. It’s meant to be less obtrusive (in the case of popping up when checking in the background) but does have this result when checking when there are lots of windows open.

So are you saying that the update dialog probably did appear, but I just couldn’t see it? Is there a way to bring it to the front? (I’ve tried this several times but I guess I was fooled every time.)
Does it appear in the Finder’s list of windows? Do I have to OK the update? How do I find this window?

Yes, exactly. It’s kinda annoying.

Two approaches:

  • What I usually do is hide all (almost) windows with command-option-H so the desktop is clear and try again
  • Or, use (insert proper name of macOS feature here, the thing where you swipe upwards with 4 fingers on trackpad?) to look for it.

Should be improved before too long. I’m in the process of overhauling the prefs UI and that will include the update mechanism.

Tried the cmd-opt-H trick, but still no luck.
I thought maybe it was because I had “automatically hide and show the menu bar” turned on (along with Bartender); turned it off and still no joy.

Note that if you press cmd opt H while the update window is arteady showing it will hide it…:upside_down_face:

Problem is, I can’t get the update window to appear.
Any reason not to do a full reinstall? Would I lose my settings, extensions, etc.?

No, no reason at all. Auto update is just supposed to be more convenient but it’s failing at that here.

You can just download, unzip and replace the current app. Nothing fancy needed.

(Or if you use homebrew, you can just use command brew upgrade popclip)

Well, heck. I downloaded, unzipped, went to move to /Applications, and got the typical “an older item…” alert. Told it to Replace…and now I get
“The operation can’t be completed because some items had to be skipped. For each item, choose File > Get Info, make sure “Locked” is deselected, and then check the Sharing & Permissions section. When you are sure the items are unlocked and not designated as Read Only or No Access, try again.”

Er, that said, the new version seems to be installed and—so far—working.

I’ve been hearing about that weird error from others as well. It’s some strange macOS issue; it’s not coming from PopClip. PopClip doesn’t install itself in any unusual way—it’s just a .app package.

It seems this issue occurs when trying to replace one app with another version. Manually deleting the old app solved the problem for most users.

One person had to switch to a different admin user account to delete it, though.

I thought it was funny that the warning message gave me NO CLUE about what the offending “items” were, or where they were to be found.
Worst Apple error message ever?

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It’s really not a useful message at all is it! And even better than an improved message would be if the user asks to delete something then it would … delete it! :man_shrugging:

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Maybe file a bug on this?