Click on the Eudic icon, Eudic window pops up, but it won’t search the word automatically.
@nick Hi I have a issue here with Eudic dictionary extension. When I click on the Eudic icon on PopClip, the Eudic window pops up, but it won’t search the word automatically.
It happened recent days. I updated both my Mac OS and Eudic software recently. Not sure the issue was caused by either of the update.
I highly rely on this workflow, and I would really appreciate it if you can look into it.
Hello @Lyla, welcome to the forum. I have tested on my machine, both Eudic and Eudic Lite versions 4.2.7, on macOS 13.0.1, and PopClip 2022.12. In my configuration, the extension is working well and I cannot reproduce any fault.
Here is a video:
To fault-find, you could try running the following in Script Editor (this is the same script the PopClip extension uses internally):
-- note: change to com.eusoft.freeeudic for Eudic Lite
tell application id "com.eusoft.eudic"
show dic with word "TEST"
end tell
@nick Thanks for your quick response. Actually, I got this problem fixed though I don’t know how. When my mbp froze, I force restarted it and the extension started working again. It’s weird cause I did try to restart my mbp to try to fix this problem before and it didn’t work. Anyway, many thanks for your work on this. Have a good day/evening!