On awaking this morning I realised that is is currently possible.
Whilst there’s currently no way to restore it using after: paste-result
, it can be done with the new JavaScript extension type.
Here is an example (hope you don’t mind me using your Simil-ify as my example, @RosemaryOrchard - or at least something like it!):
# popclip JavaScript paste with restore example
name: AmazonSmile
icon: A:)
requirements: [url]
javascript: |
let url = popclip.input.data.urls[0] // url is a string
url = url.replace('www.amazon', 'smile.amazon')
url = url.split('?')[0] // remove query nonsense
popclip.pasteText(url, { restore: true })
(The above block is an extension snippet - select it to install the extension with PopClip)
I wouldn’t expect anyone to know this pasteText() method - is deep in the documentation I only published yesterday !