Hi, I’ve had many requests for a PopClip extension for the notes/organiser app Notion.
I’ve recently been working on this I’m looking for a few people to test it and let me know if it’s working OK.
To install:
Install PopClip Beta. I’ve had to make some updates to PopClip itself to get it to work, so to use this need to install PopClip Build 3946 (or later) from Download PopClip.
The extension works with Notion, a popular web-based notes app. It will send the selected text (including formatting and links) to a Notion page of your choice along with the clip’s source reference and capture date.
Page Name: Specify the name of a page in Notion, to which this extension will append content. The name must exactly match (including case) the name of a page in your Notion workspace, to which PopClip has been granted access.
mac 12.5
popclip 3963
Notion.popclipextz from this page link
1、restart popclip
2、select text and click notion icon
3、prompt me to log in
4、click login notion
5、loding … loding… loding… Forever
this is issue or is my usage incorrect ? I need Notion
Ulp … mea culpa. The latest beta had a bug. Updating now; will be Build 3967. Should be updated very soon (PopClip Downloads or uncheck and re-check “Check for updates” in the app).
Now set Console to “Start” & “Now” you should see the API calls going in, and the responses in the console. Are there any responses from Notion API that indicate an error, and if so what is the message?