I’ve been using PopClip well.
I recently installed Ollama locally to replace ChatGPT. Ollama is an LLM that you install locally and can be used like the link below.
I modified the ChatGPT popclip source to fix the api connection part.
// #popclip
// name: Ollama Chat
// icon: ollama.png
// identifier: js.popclip.extension.ollama.chat
// description: Send the selected text to Ollama LOCAL API and append the response.
// app: { name: Ollama, link: 'https://github.com/ollama/ollama/blob/main/docs/api.md' }
// popclipVersion: 4586
// keywords: Ollama chat
// entitlements: [network]
// language: typescript
import axios from "axios";
export const options: Option[] = [
identifier: "model",
label: "Model",
type: "multiple",
defaultValue: "mistral",
values: ["mistral", "another-model"],
identifier: "systemMessage",
label: "System Message",
type: "string",
"Optional system message to specify the behaviour of the AI agent.",
identifier: "resetMinutes",
label: "Reset Timer (minutes)",
type: "string",
"Reset the conversation if idle for this many minutes. Set blank to disable.",
defaultValue: "15",
identifier: "showReset",
label: "Show Reset Button",
type: "boolean",
icon: "broom-icon.svg",
description: "Show a button to reset the conversation.",
type OptionsShape = {
resetMinutes: string;
model: string;
systemMessage: string;
showReset: boolean;
// typescript interfaces for Ollama API
interface Message {
role: "user" | "system" | "assistant";
content: string;
interface Response {
model: string;
created_at: string;
response: string;
done: boolean;
done_reason: string;
context: Array<number>;
total_duration: number;
load_duration: number;
prompt_eval_count: number;
prompt_eval_duration: number;
eval_count: number;
eval_duration: number;
// the extension keeps the message history in memory
const messages: Array<Message> = [];
// the last chat date
let lastChat: Date = new Date();
// reset the history
function reset() {
print("Resetting chat history");
messages.length = 0;
// get the content of the last `n` messages from the chat, trimmed and separated by double newlines
function getTranscript(n: number): string {
return messages
.map((m) => m.content.trim())
// the main chat action
const chat: ActionFunction<OptionsShape> = async (input, options) => {
const ollama = axios.create({
baseURL: "http://localhost:11434/api",
// if the last chat was long enough ago, reset the history
if (options.resetMinutes.length > 0) {
const resetInterval = parseInt(options.resetMinutes) * 1000 * 60;
if (new Date().getTime() - lastChat.getTime() > resetInterval) {
if (messages.length === 0) {
// add the system message to the start of the conversation
let systemMessage = options.systemMessage.trim();
if (systemMessage) {
messages.push({ role: "system", content: systemMessage });
// add the new message to the history
messages.push({ role: "user", content: input.text.trim() });
// send the whole message history to Ollama
try {
const { data }: { data: Array<Response> } = await ollama.post("/generate", {
model: options.model || "mistral",
prompt: getTranscript(messages.length),
format: "json",
stream: false,
// combine the responses
const combinedResponse = data.response;
// add the response to the history
messages.push({ role: "assistant", content: combinedResponse });
lastChat = new Date();
// if holding shift and alt, paste just the response.
// if holding shift, copy just the response.
// else, paste the last input and response.
if (popclip.modifiers.shift && popclip.modifiers.option) {
} else if (popclip.modifiers.shift) {
} else {
} catch (e) {
export function getErrorInfo(error: unknown): string {
if (typeof error === "object" && error !== null && "response" in error) {
const response = (error as any).response;
return `Message from Ollama (code ${response.status}): ${response.data.error.message}`;
} else {
return String(error);
// export the actions
export const actions: Action<OptionsShape>[] = [
title: "Chat",
code: chat,
title: "Reset Chat",
icon: "broom-icon.svg",
stayVisible: true,
requirements: ["option-showReset=1"],
code: reset,
When executed, the following error occurs
Only HTTPS connections are allowed, causing HTTP connections to fail. I was wondering if there is a workaround.