Perplexity AI-Based Search

Perplexity is a new AI-based search tool using OpenAI technology. In many respects it is an extremely strong competitor to Google.

# popclip
name: perplexity
Icon: square P

Great stuff, and interesting the use of the end tag. I did consider end tag as a formal requirement in the snippet spec, but decided against it in the end.

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in my case, it gives an ‘invalid YAML’
After removing the

requirements:[ ]

line, it works fine.

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This is brilliant thank you :pray:t3:
I expected a ready extension in the library but this works for me!
One question: did you find a way to invoke this with ‘copilot’ activated on Perplexity?

CleanShot 2023-09-24 at 11.17.08

That’s it

# popclip
name: perplexity
Icon: square P
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You could also use icon: iconify:simple-icons:perplexity

could this be tweaked to use the app’s url scheme? i’m dense

# popclip
name: perplexity
icon: iconify:simple-icons:perplexity
url: perplexity://search?q=***
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Looks good to me. Does it work?

Thank you.