Search problem in Safari only

I have a strange problem with search in PopClip.

This applies to the default “search” function as well as the Kagi search extension. The search works fine when I select text in any application EXCEPT Safari, and in Safari it doesn’t do anything. Right click/Search with Google works fine - it’s only the PopClip search that doesn’t work. And it works fine in the Orion browser, Mail, everything else. I’ve tried restarting PopClip - no change.

Any ideas, please?

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It’s possible that PopClip doesn’t have permission to automate Safari—you may have clicked “Deny” on a popup. Please check the following:

  1. Go to System Settings.
  2. Navigate to Security & Privacy.
  3. Look for the Automation section.

Make sure that PopClip is permitted to control Safari.

Thanks for your help, Nick. I did check this, but whatever the problem was it seems to have resolved itself. Perhaps it was the restart of Safari that did it…