undo not working after popclip extensions work well

I made two extensions to highlight PDFs with different colors in DevonThink.

# popclip
    name: Blue
    icon: πŸ”΅
    key combos: [control option shift command D]
    required apps: [com.devon-technologies.think3]
# popclip
    name: Yellow
    icon: 🟑
    key combos: [control option shift command S]
    required apps: [com.devon-technologies.think3]

control option shift command D and control option shift command S are keyboard shortcuts to perform highlighting in DevonThink.
The two extensions work well, however, if I want to Undo highlighting with ⌘ Z, Undo doesn’t work.
Official Highlight extension supports Undo. Maybe I have missed something when writing the snippets.

popclip 2024.5.2
devonthink 3.9.7
macOS 14.5

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If you manually set the color (without using PopClip) by pressing the key combo, does the undo shortcut work then?

Thanks for the clue. The undo shortcut does not work either when I manually set the color. I will go to DevonThink forum to find the answer :rofl:
P.S. I love PopClip sooooooo much! It is truly great and elegant work!

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crazy key combos :joy: