Add double square brackets to selection (Wikilinks)

I often edit on Wikipedia. This extension snippets adds double square brackets to the selection (MediaWiki internal links).

name: Wikilink
icon: DSB
javascript: popclip.pasteText(“[[” + popclip.input.text + “]]”)
description: Adds double square brackets to selection

As icon I’d have loved [[]], but this does not seem possible.


Double square brackets have a special meaning, and you can’t have 4 characters in an icon.
But you can prefix with text to allow any characters. Maybe this is a compromise:

name: Wikilink
icon: monospaced [[
javascript: popclip.pasteText('[[' + popclip.input.text + ']]')
description: Adds double square brackets to selection

(The above block is an extension snippet — select it then click “Install Extension” in PopClip.)

Edit: changed text to monospaced because it looks better in monospaced font IMO

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Thanks, I like your proposal.

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