Extension Snippet: Remove Dots

Wow. That was easy! A super simple modification for your “Remove Spaces” extension, called “Remove Dots”

# popclip
name: Remove Dots
icon: square filled dot
javascript: popclip.pasteText(popclip.input.text.replace(/\./g, ''))
description: Remove dots from the selected text.

(The above block is an extension snippet - select it to install the extension with PopClip)


This demonstrates a very handy concept, I feel! I like the idea that this forum category can be a kind of educational resource, a cookbook of ideas that people can take and remix.

Loved this but for my usage I meeded a slight modification:

# popclip
name: Remove Dots
icon: square filled dot
javascript: popclip.pasteText(popclip.input.text.replace(/\./g, ' '))
description: Remove dots from the selected text.

I have needed this for at least 10 years. Thanks!

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3 posts were split to a new topic: Snippet for Generic Search & Replace