Format Phone Numbers

I’d like an extension that changes a selected string of characters into a standard format for a phone number (if exactly 10 digits other than the optional leading country code are in the string) and adds the county code with plus sign (“+”) if it is not already present.


“(123) 456-7890” → “+1 123.456.7890”
“123-456-7890” → “+1 123.456.7890”
“123.456.7890” → “+1 123.456.7890”
“1234567890” → “+1 123.456.7890”
“+1123-456-7890” → “+1 123.456.7890”
“1 123-456-7890” → “+1 123.456.7890”
“123-456-789” → does nothing

Having a setting for different countries is icing on the cake; I personally need it for the United States only but having different rules for different countries would be very cool.

Thank you for reading this idea.

Share the extension, if you don’t mind.

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I only know google/libphonenumber: Google’s common Java, C++ and JavaScript library for parsing, formatting, and validating international phone numbers to format phone numbers correctly. Surely using the whole library is overkill?

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Here’s my attempt on formatting phone numbers for countries that are members of the North American Numbering Plan, which includes the United States. I’ve included references to formatting phone numbers for other countries in case someone wants to extend it.

// #popclip
// name: US Phone Number
// icon: square +1
// language: javascript
// after: paste-result
// Authoritative sources on formatting phone numbers:
// (NANP)
// Programming resources
// Configuration Constants
const countryCode = '1';                // US and other NANP countries
const prefix = '+' + countryCode + ' '; // Plus sign (+) and space are required by E.123
const separator = ' ';                  // Spaces are default for E.123
const standardPhoneNumberLength = 10;   // Full number for US and other NANP countries (including area code)
// Get text selected by PopClip
const selectedText = popclip.input.text;
// Remove all non-digit characters and countryCode, if any, from selectedText 
let digitsOnly = selectedText.replace(/\D/g, '');
if (digitsOnly.startsWith(countryCode)) {
 digitsOnly = digitsOnly.slice(countryCode.length);
// If the digits are the exact length of a standard phone number, return digits formatted with countryCode
if (digitsOnly.length == standardPhoneNumberLength) {
return prefix + digitsOnly.slice(0,3) + separator + digitsOnly.slice(3,6) + separator + digitsOnly.slice(6);
// Otherwise do nothing
return selectedText;