“Preserve Color” stops working on PopClip 2024.5.1

Looks like preserve color: true stops working after upgrading from 2024.3.2 to 2024.5.1. The icon is black now.

name: SomeName
icon: SomeIcon.png
url: https://xxx.com?query=***
preserve color: true

Same as this issue Does "Preserve Color" still work on PopClip 2024.3.1?

Dammit, I broke preserve color again :person_facepalming:

But you can stil do it like this:

name: SomeName
icon: "preserve-color file:SomeIcon.png"
url: https://xxx.com?query=***

Thanks for reporting it. I will restore the preserve color: true method it in the next version.

Thank you! :joy:

How to set preserve color: false with below format? Just remove the preserve-color prefix?

name: SomeName
icon: "preserve-color file:SomeIcon.png"
url: https://xxx.com?query=***

Yep just omit the modifier and it won’t have effect.

To explicitly negate, you can put preserve-color=0 but that would only be needed if your icon had intrinsic color, which is the case for some Iconify icons and also where you specify the icon as an Emoji.

Some docs tucked away at the bottom at https://www.popclip.app/dev/icons#color-and-aspect

(Or download Build 4588 which restores compatibility with the old way.)

Thank you!