Whilst this is not new, it looks like EN have removed support for this kind of activity, I was wondering if there was any thoughts on how to resurrect this kind of activity?
See also
Just a quick update - I’ve actually been working on an Evernote extension. Turns out Evernote API is a a little dare I say overly complex, and I’m having to make some amendments in PopClip itself to facilitate it. So it is coming, but will not be till after the next PopClip update.
This will be a game changer. I have not seen any app work with the new EN. Eagerly waiting!
OK, Evernote extension is back and available to test! If you want to try it, you’ll need to install PopClip Build 3835 from PopClip Downloads, and the new extension from here: https://github.com/pilotmoon/PopClip-Extensions/raw/master/extensions/Evernote.popclipextz
If you get a chance to try it, please let me know if it’s working for you.
Hi Nick -
It works and is glorious!
I have tested it with Text - tested it with text and an image
Works great! Thanks so much! (I like that it simply just captures, rather than asking about notebooks and tags etc…!) - Perfect!
Great! Yes it now works directly to the Evernote servers to your default notebook, instead of opening the desktop app as it used to.
Images might not always work, depending on how they are encoded in the HTML.
You won’t believe how much work it was just for something as simple as capturing a text note, as Evernote has a ridiculously overcomplicated API, but it will all make PopClip better down the line.
I believe in your wizardry. Thank you
Final version is now available: Evernote extension — it's back!