A PopClip extension for ChatGPT

2 posts were split to a new topic: Request: Start new chat on ChatGPT website

This is my version of ClipboardGPT:

try it please.


Do you think it would be possible to add conditions?
I often use ChatGPT to correct or improve my messages.
However, today I have to add the conditions, correct, improve, etc

So, it forces me to go back to the top of the message and add this condition.
But also to remove it afterwards.
It would be very convenient if we could add our conditions in the extension.

Thank you for your feedback.


Pensez-vous qu’il serait possible d’ajouter des conditions ?
J’utilise frĂ©quemment chatgpt pour corriger ou amĂ©liorer mes messages.
Cependant, aujourd’hui, je dois ajouter les conditions, corriger, amĂ©liorer, etc 

Par consĂ©quent, ça m’oblige Ă  revenir en haut du message et ajouter cette condition.
Mais aussi Ă  la supprimer par la suite.
Alors que si on pouvait ajouter nos conditions dans l’extension, ça serait trùs pratique.

Merci de votre retour.

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Adding the ability to wrap selected text inside a predefined prompt, with multiple prompts available and easy UX to select them, would be a powerful feature for this extension.